What follows after High School?
Socrates was asked once what he thought
as being the best practice of all and he replied:
"Any practice that benefits all "
High school graduation marks a number of significant changes for teenagers. Graduates are asked to decide the direction they will follow in regards to their future and their professional settlement. This period causes increased anxiety to most graduates since at this young age they have to make last-long decisions on what they will do, perhaps, for the rest of their lives. An individual’s success is irrelevant to the school it has graduated from, be that a highly graded school and of good reputation, as long as the individual is determined and talented at whatever is doing. Usually, those reaching on top are people that love what they do and the practice they have chosen to follow. There are, however, a lot of people that are not happy with the practice they have chosen. As people change over the years, the same changes could apply to their interests as well. This is inevitable and it shouldn’t upset us. What’s important is to make the right choice for this specific time in our life, based on our current interests and, mostly, by taking into account what suits our character.
How do I begin? When trying to decide, the first thing one should look for is information. A wide variety of books, websites and, even, organizations can provide you with the information one needs. A very useful site is ttp:// of the “Pedagogical Institute”, which provides information regarding various practices and options offered after high school. The Centers for Counseling and Guidance (KE.SY.P) located in each prefecture of Greece, School Career Guidance Offices (GRA.SEP) located at local high schools throughout the county and OAED with guidance counselors on Career issues, which will help you decide from the various types of High Schools, such as the Unified High School, those of Technical orientation, Music Schools, the Naval Lyceum, etc. and Schools offering specialized schooling. These consultants can help high school graduates choose on the faculties of Higher Education they wish to follow or the professional orientation they will follow.
Once you have gathered the information needed, you can assess your options, fit them to your interests and decide on what relates to you life and your life. For example, if you like the profession of the trainer, you must think whether you like to train someone in a sport or if you enjoy looking at it on television. Then, you would have to think whether this fits your character or not and if you are a person highly active or not. If all meet your expectations, you may want to attend a high school focusing on Athletic or something similar, or if you`re a high school graduate you may want to look into a Gymnastics Academy.
Next step is to figure out whether you have the skills needed for the job of your preference. Or if you have some special talent or skill, it may be a good idea to look for a profession that contains these skills. You may like, for instance, architecture but not be good in drafting. Or you may be extremely good at drawing and discover a wide range of occupations, aside of architecture, that include or are based on drafting and drawing. If you are presently a high school student the above directly concerns you and can timely attend a School of Technical orientation.
Another factor to be taken into consideration when choosing the right professional direction is to think about your personal values, that is considering how you will contribute to society. Because the more you believe in what you do, the more successful will be at it.
Our family’s support and understanding plays a vital role when it comes to selecting our secondary education. If your family does not agree with your choice don’t be let down. Calmly, explain to them how much you want to practice what you have chosen and how you will fail practicing something that does not agree with you. Above all, you should make your family understand that anything imposed on you will be totally against your individuality and that they should respect both your personality and wishes. On the other hand, if you`re not certain of what you want to do, you may consider following their footsteps, since you will have their assistance and experience, at least at the beginning, to help you succeed in what you practice.
Remember, this is your life and your future belongs to you! You should never live someone else’s life or fulfill somebody else’s dreams. The future belongs to you and you should claim it. What do you prefer? Being a statistical figure among other meaningless numbers or be free to shape your self and future according to whatever you like? The choice is yours!
Good luck in anything you choose to do!