EU-funded project on tackling racism, xenophobia and discrimination against migrants kicked-off in Nicosia

19 October 2018

Nicosia, 10 October 2018


The first meeting of the project “Hate Interrupter Teams: Youth counteracting hate speech towards migrants and minorities through participatory and creative campaigning” was held in Nicosia on the 8th and 9th of October. The project is funded by the European Program “Rights, Equality and Citizenship”.

Members of the scientific personnel of “The Smile of the Child” as well as representatives of the organizations of HFC Hope For Children CRC Policy Center (Cyprus – Leading Partner), Rinova Limited (United Kingdom), Associazione Culturale Mulab (Italy), Associacio Per A La Creacio I Estudis De Projectes Socials C.E.P.S. (Spain), Collage Arts (United Kingdom), Frederick University (Cyprus), Metropolisnet-European Metropolis Employment Network Ewiv (Germany) and Gender Alternatives Foundation (Bulgaria) took part in the meeting.

The project’s duration is 24 months and aims at developing a new model of European youth empowerment to tackle racism, xenophobia and discrimination aimed at migrants.


During the meeting, the project team reviewed all the activities of the project and discussed on the roles and the implementation timetable of the following work packages: Best practices in creative counteracting of hate speech and behavior (work package 2), Implementation of Collaborative work: Hate Interrupter Teams and Stakeholder Boards (work package 3) and Development & Implementation of online awareness prevention & support tools (work package 4).


Quality, administrative and financial management details regarding the Management and coordination of the project (work package 1) were also discussed, as well as dissemination and sustainability issues (work package 5). In addition, the project management team set the next steps of project’s implementation.


For more information about the project, please click here.

Disclaimer: The HIT project (REC-RRAC-RACI-AG-2017-807861) has been co-financed with the support of the European Commission’s DG Justice and Consumers. Its contents and materials are the sole responsibility of its authors. The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.