“The Smile of the Child” commemorates this World Mental Health Day

Athens, 10 October 2019
“The Smile of the Child” commemorates this World Mental Health Day
On the occasion of World Mental Health Day, commemorated every year on the 10th of October, "The Smile of the Child" through its longstanding action in the field of Child Protection calls for immediate solutions for all children with mental problems who need psychotherapeutic help.
This year, Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention was identified as the main theme of World Mental Health Day, as suicide is a global public health problem with the World Health Organization estimating that about 800,000 deaths occur on a yearly basis, more than the number of deaths taking place within a war period. By way of example, every 40 seconds a life is lost due to suicide, which makes it the second leading cause of death worldwide among young people aged from 15 to 29, implicating enormous consequences on individual, family, economic and social levels.
Today “The Smile of the Child” points out once again that even in the most difficult situations children and their families can seek help with free and immediate access to information and assistance.
In this context, with emphasis on prevention and early response, "The Smile of the Child" operates the National Helpline SOS 1056, which is available nationwide 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Staffed exclusively by dedicated Social Workers and Psychologists, they provide free and confidential psychosocial support to every child and adult who are seeking help and support. It is important to note that in 2018 alone the Organization received 271.996 calls.
By offering timely and multiple support "The Smile of the Child" offers all its structures and services at the disposal of all those seeking help and support with a focus on communicating with the children in need, pointing out that each problem has its solution and suicide is definitely not the solution.
It is important to mention that, the Organization operates 12 Emergency Social Intervention Centers across Greece with the goal among others to coordinate and immediately mobilize its social services for the benefit of any child in need of assistance.
"The Smile of the Child" has supported many children and adults who have experienced similar situations thanks to prevention, awareness, timely intervention, multidisciplinary partnerships, and crisis management effectiveness. More specifically, "The Smile of the Child" in cooperation with the authorities and the cybercrime unit of the Hellenic Police and as a trusted NGO Partner of Facebook has prevented many children and young people from harming themselves.
It is important to mention that "The Smile of the Child" based on its longstanding experience and know-how, operates a Day Center in which a specialized interdisciplinary team provides Personalized Mental Health Services to Children and Adolescents, victims of abuse, domestic violence, victimized children who have been involved in bullying incidents, children who have recently or previously are being exposed to severe traumatic experiences and thus have mental health problems, adaptation or behavioral problems.
"The House of the Child" is a specialized service, unique in Greece and pioneering at the European level where its interdisciplinary team carries out personalized sessions for children. Through this structure, "The Smile of the Child” provides therapeutic services to children who have experienced traumatic conditions or events with the goal to prevent the occurrence of mental health problems or ensure their early treatment.
For more information on Day Center “The House of the Child” click here.
Call the "SOS 1056 National Helpline for Children" in Greece and consult our psychologists and social workers about any problem your child might have.
For more information, please contact our Press Team at press@hamogelo.gr or at +210 3306140.