Project A12

“The Smile of the Child” is implementing the project entitled 'Project A12' funded by the EU's programme Erasmus+, through the Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation (I.NE.DI.VI.M.).  

The project aims to promote youth participation in decision making in the field of children's rights by enhancing the knowledge of participants in regards to children's rights with a focus on their right to participation & to develop their skills, in order to allow them to share the acquired knowledge & experience with other children & facilitate decision making in the field of youth. The core participating team will be the Youth Group on Rights of the Child (Y-GRC) consists of young people 13-17 years old.

The project’s duration is 18 months (February 2020-August 2021).

Its main activities include:

  • Preparatory round tables with decision-makers and other stakeholders
  • The main theme will be children's rights & further focus will be given to the following:
    - The right to protection from all kinds of abuse, exploitation, discrimination etc
    - The right to participation (expression of opinion, information, decision making etc)
  • High Level meetings for policy proposals & recommendations: a delegation of the Y-GCR will hold meetings with key decision makers such as: the President of the Hellenic Republic, the Prime Minister of Greece etc
  • Annual National events for the promotion of children & youth capabilities & equal participation in the society
  • Campaign on children's rights: the young participants will design & implement a national campaign on children's rights

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