"The Smile of the Child” joined forces with the National Foundation for the Deaf to give equal communication access to deaf and hard of hearing people

Athens, May 20, 2024
“The Smile of the Child” joined forces with the National Foundation for the Deaf to give equal communication access to deaf and hard of hearing people to better participate in society
Next to every person
On Wednesday the 15th of May, "The Smile of the Child" and the National Foundation for the Deaf, launched their new partnership, to which the "Smile" will implement the "Relay Service" function of the National Foundation for the Deaf to offer greater services and tools to these individuals.
The RELAY platform operates with the help of an interpreter from the Video Telecommunication Center of the service of the National Deaf Foundation. It enables individuals with hearing disabilities to communicate their needs, medical concerns, fears etc. via a mobile phone, to a psychologists and/or social workers of the “Smile” Hot/Help Lines (1056, 116000, 116111, 1017).
A simulated call from a deaf mother was demonstrated at this venue. The mother wanted to share her concerns about her son's addiction to video games and ask for advice on how to manage this situation. The deaf mother made a video call to the "Relay Service", where with the help of the interpreter of the National Foundation for the Deaf, she connected with a psychologist of the "European Helpline for Children and Adolescents 116111" and shared her concerns with the psychologist. The mother was provided advice and directions which the interpreter listened to and translated in the video call.
You can see the simulated call here: https://youtu.be/TypvbJch4_c
Ms.Venetta Lambropoulou, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Foundation for the Deaf, acknowledged her excitement for this collaboration: "I am very excited. I am very happy with this collaboration with "The Smile of the Child", as we managed to connect the RELAY program, of the National Foundation for the Deaf, with the services of the "Smile", and thus extend its services to the deaf people of our country. I would like to especially thank Mr. Yiannopoulos for the initiative to approach and cooperate with us. I wish good success in our joint project, the results of which I am sure will benefit many people."
Mr. Costas Yiannopoulos, chairman of the Board of Directors of the Organization stated "We have joined forces with the National Foundation for the Deaf because there are children, parents, people in our society who would like to participate in the use of the National Helpline for Children SOS 1056, as well as the other Hot/HelpLines of the Organization, to share their concerns, fears and to receive advice from our people, the psychologists, and the social workers. We are very proud because there is a willingness from some people to make a difference in other people's lives! We joined forces to share the vision of a child who 28 years ago wrote in his diary "all children deserve a Smile".
Following the signed agreements between the two actors, the services will be implemented to offer these special services to hearing impaired individuals in our country. Our future goals are to expand these services to include communication services to these individuals who are being transported to hospitals, through the Mobile Medical Intensive Care Units for newborns and children - Ambulances of the Organization, etc.
Photo material from the meeting: https://hamogelo-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/danaekastani_hamogelo_gr/EstnBHYR-ChPl6nDl4rcE5oB3PCmsxhL7TsC7lrrfdv54Q?e=rgsDjY
More information:
The Smile of the Child