“The Smile of the Child” inaugurated the Center of Direct Social Intervention of Crete in the city of Heraklion thanks to the precious support of Cretans

Heraklion, 3 April 2017
“The Smile of the Child” inaugurated the Center of Direct Social Intervention of Crete in the city of Heraklion thanks to the precious support of Cretans
“The Smile of the Child” was already physically present on the island of Crete since October 2014 through a Center of Direct Social Intervention in Chania. Thanks to the precious support of Cretans “The Smile of the Child” announced its new actions on the island dedicated to the commitment of the Organization to support all children and their families in need:
● the operation of the
Center of Direct Social Intervention in Heraklion, as well as a Support Center for Children and Families in
Heraklion where specialized personnel will provide services to children and families in Crete
● the
incorporation of the state-of-the-art mobile medical unit of intensive care for newborns and children and its rescue team to the National Center of Direct Assistance (EKAV) of Crete with the aim to cover the needs of newborns and children. The mobile medical unit of intensive care operates under the coordination of EKAV and upon the decision of the central administration of EKAV of Crete it is based at the University’s General Hospital of Heraklion.
● the
immediate establishment of a Home for Children victims of Violence in the area of Heraklion, financed by Dr. Basile Khoudokormaff Charitable Foundation which is based in the Netherlands and Mr. Mauromixalakis Evangelos who granted the land.
In the framework of the inauguration of the Center of Direct Social Intervention in Heraklion, the President of BoD, Mr. Costas Yannopoulos along with the specialized team of the Organization had meetings with local actors and authorities informing them on the work and the actions of the Organization in Crete.
In Heraklion meetings took place with the Head of EKAV of Crete, Mrs. Zeakis, the Head of the Pediatric Clinic PAGNI, Mr. Galanakis, the Head of PAGNI and the Hospital of Venizeleio, Mr Tassopoulos, the official in charge of the port of Heraklion, Mr. Douvis, as well as the Rector of the University of Crete, Mr. Odysseas Zoras and the Professor of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Crete, Mr. Lionis.
In Chania meetings took place with the Head of the General Hospital of Chania, Mr. Voulgaridis, the Head of the Pediatric Sector Mrs. Balomenakis and the doctors, as well as the President of the Medical Association of Chania Mrs. Orfanoudakis.
In addition, the team of “The Smile of the Child” met in the city of Rethymno with the Head of the General Hospital of the city, Mr. Fragkiadakis, and the Head of the Pediatric Clinic of the General Hospital Mrs. Savramis, as well as Mr. Doulgerakis, official in charge of EKAV in Rethymno.
On Thursday 30 March the inauguration ceremony of the Center of Direct Social Intervention based in Heraklion took place at Astoria Capsis Hotel in the presence of His Eminence the Archbishop of Crete Eirinaios, the Prefect of Crete, Mr. Arnaoutakis, the Deputy Commander of the Prefectural Administration of Fire Corps, Mr. Seliniotakis, the Captain of the General Prefectural Administration of the Coast Guard of Crete, Mr. Sigouros, the Rector of the University of Crete, Mr. Zoras, as well as representatives of institutional actors, associations, businesses, individuals and supporters of the Organization. At the same time, Georgios Zervakis and his orchestra welcomed the guests under the music of a Cretan lyre. Journalist Mrs. Andriani Aggelidakis moderated this event.
The President of “The Smile of the Child”, Mr. Costas Yannopoulos, welcomed the supporters and friends of the Organization and thanked all for the warm welcome of “The Smile of the Child” in Crete.
“A dream came true today with the physical presence and representation of the Organization on the island, almost 22 years after the beginning of our operations. Words cannot describe the positive response that we received and the presence of the city speaks itself today. I would like to thank His Eminence Archbishop of Crete, Eirinaios for his presence, humility, ethic and uniting speech, as well as his relentless goodwill to support our work. I would also like to thank the Prefect of Crete Mr. Arnaoutakis, who honored us with his presence and is among us today and willing to cooperate in our effort to offer our services to every child and family in Crete regardless of ethnicity or religion”.
During a presentation of the nationwide actions of “The Smile of the Child”, Mr. Costas Yannopoulos, spoke about the actions of the Organization in Crete which were implemented since 2014 through the Direct Center for Social Intervention based in Chania. More specifically Mr. Yannopoulos said: “The Smile of the Child” was present in Crete since its establishment providing all its services to children, families, students, teachers, the medical society and the competent institutional actors. Thanks to the support of people and companies, we managed to obtain a physical presence on the island based in Chania and to stand by every child in need.
We supported 6.558 children and their families within a period of 2.5 years providing all our services to every child victim of violence, to every missing child, child with serious health problems and any child living in poverty or threatened by poverty”.
“The Smile of the Child” awarded with special plaques all the institutional actors, the associations, the companies and the citizens who have all embraced the work and the actions of the Organization under one common vision: the Smile of the every child. His Eminence Archbishop of Crete Eirinaios realized the sanctification ceremony at the Center of Direct Social Intervention of Crete and spoke warmly about “The Smile of the Child”.
On Thursday 28 March a presentation event took place at the hall of the Municipal Council in Chania on the Center of Direct Social Intervention operating in the city. The event took place in the presence of the General Prefectural Head of the Police of Crete, Deputy General Lagoudakis, the Vice-Prefect of Chania Mr. Voulgarakis, the Mayor of Chania Mr. Vamvoukas, as well as representatives of institutional actors and associations, supporters and friends of the Organization, as well as children from Antonis Martsakis Faculty of traditional Cretan music. Moderator of the event was the journalist, Marina Giakoumakis.
In the beginning of the event the President of the Organization, Costas Yannopoulos, thanked all for the warm welcome, hospitality and support of the Cretans who united their forces with “The Smile of the Child” and managed to establish a physical presence on the island through the operation of the Direct Center of Social Intervention based in Chania.
During the event the Organization presented its statistics for its actions in Crete covering the period from October 2014 to December 2016, whereas citizens, local actors and companies were awarded from the Organization for their support to the actions of “The Smile of the Child” for every child and family.
“The Smile of the Child” would like to warmly thank all the Cretans who proved in practice the encouragement of the 10-year-old founder of the Organization, Andreas Yannopoulos:
“Let’s all help; if we unite we will succeed!”
Photo material from the meetings in Crete can be found
Photo material from the event in Chania can be found
Photo material from the inauguration ceremony in Heraklion can be found
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