Mark Fuhrmann who travelled with a Kayak from Oslo to Athens visits one of the Homes of “The Smile of the Child”

11 December 2017

Mark Fuhrman, a Canadian from Norway who decided to travel with his kayak from Oslo to Athens visited on 6 December one of the Homes of “The Smile of the Child”. Our children, volunteers and personnel of the Home were moved to hear the personal story of Mark, who managed to cover with his kayak more than 5.600 kilometers in 7 months, travelling across open seas, rivers and channels.

Through his project, named “The Piece Prize” the goal of this journey was to inspire people to offer their help to those in need by building bridges of love and solidarity. Mark shared some stories from his journey, the people he met and awarded them with the Piece Prize for their precious help and caring actions. In Greece, he chose to name as a "Silent Hero" of the project one of the volunteers of “The Smile of the Child” who support our children since 2013.

Volunteers of the Organization discussed with Mark, who as a modern Ulysses crossed the seas, while our children showed particular interest in learning more details about his journey, whether he felt fear or was left helpless in the cold waters of the Northern Sea.

First stop of Mark's visit was the Home of the Organization in Corfu where he donated his kayak to children that are being raised in the Home. As a final stop he chose to visit the Home of the Organization in Melissia, Athens where he was very enthusiastic to meet there our children. They all promised to meet again in the next journey of Mark in Greece.