DISAPPEARANCE OF MALEKKY(surname) JAAFAR (name) BARATI (surname) NAJIB (name) and YOUSEFAZADEH (surname) MUSTAFA (name) 16 YEARS OLD #Missing Alert
Athens, 12 May 2018
DISAPPEARANCE OF MALEKKY(surname) JAAFAR (name) BARATI (surname) NAJIB (name) and YOUSEFAZADEH (surname) MUSTAFA (name), 16 YEARS OLD #Missing Alert
On 9/5/2018, around noon, Malekky Jaafar, Barati Najib and Yousefazadeh Mustafa, all three 16 years old, went missing around noon in Kastoria (Northern Greece). Malekky Jaafar is 1,72cm tall, is skinny, has blond hair and brown eyes. Barati Najib is 1,73 cm tall, is skinny, has black and brown eyes. Yousefazadeh Mustafa is 1,72cm, is skinny, has brown hair and brown eyes.
“The Smile of the Child was informed today on 12/5/2018 despite the fact that the children went missing from the region of Kastoria on 9/5/2018.
Anyone who has any information should contact the Organization “The Smile of the Child”, 24 hours a day, at the European Hotline for Missing Children 116 000 or the telephone number +30 210 76 09 550 if calling from abroad, as well as any Police Department across the country.
Please publish this Press Release.
In the possible event of locating the missing children, we will inform you with a new Press Release requesting the removal of the children’s posters and related information.
“The Smile of the Child” with the goal to mobilize and stand by children who have gone missing, proceeds to the creation, printing and dissemination of their posters across the country, always in cooperation with the Greek authorities. It also cooperates with the media and other partners able help locate the missing children.
“The Smile of the Child”, in the framework of its international partnerships, has the know-how to handle with professionalism and expertise the cases of missing children. Learn more on the international partnerships of the Organization
For more information, please contact:
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
European Hotline for Missing Children 116 000