“The Smile of the Child” in a wide-scale field operational exercise codenamed “MINOAS 2024”

Athens, April 30, 2024
“The Smile of the Child” in a wide-scale field operational exercise codenamed “MINOAS 2024”
In Crete, from Monday 22 to Wednesday 24 April, “The Smile of the Child” actively participated, with vehicles, equipment, rescuers, doctors and volunteers of the “Smile” Search & Rescue Team “Thanasis Makris” in wide-scale field operational exercise designed throughout Greece, for the immediate response to a major earthquake and accompanying geodynamic phenomena (tsunami), codenamed “MINOAS 2024”.
The “MINOAS 2024” exercise was organized by the Hellenic Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection in collaboration with the Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization (OASP) and the Region of Crete. All Emergency Services of Crete -Hellenic Fire Service, Hellenic Police, National Centre of Direct Help Crete, Hellenic Coast Guard-, Civil Protection Institutions/Services and Bodies (Region and Municipalities of Crete), the Hellenic Armed Forces and other Public and Private Institutions and Services in Crete, in central management level.
“The Smile of the Child” in cooperation with the Command And Control in Disaster Management of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff (HNDGS) actively participated in Exercise “MINOAS 2024”, with volunteers from the “Thanasis Makris” Search and Rescue Team, with members of its Canine Team, with a crew of rescuers and doctors, with the new Mobile Command Center (MCC), with Emergency Vehicles, with Mobile Medical Intensive Care Units as well as with specialized logistical equipment - radio communications, SSEA, etc.
The first day of the exercise, to demonstrate the efficiencies of disaster relief services offered, commenced virtual earthquake exercises to emulate an earthquake with 6.4 and 7.2 magnitude occuring in Chania and Rethymno areas in Crete. This was followed by a series of seismic events, at the second day of the exercise. Approximately 24 hours later the areas of Heraklion and Lasithi in Crete felt the worst of a 7.2 rickter earthquake which was felt throughout Crete. Added to this crisis was geodynamic wave phenomenon, otherwise known as a tsunami, threatening the northern coasts of Crete. The disaster relief exercises employed were on a scale never before carried out. The results of these exercises were recorded at the third and last day, of the exercise.
The most important action was a message that was sent, through 112 Emergency Alerts, to the residents of these regions in Crete to inform them of the occurrences of earthquakes and tsunami. Our goal was to ensure that the entire population was aware that these occurrences can cause injuries, human losses, entrapment, collapses, structural and non-structural damage to buildings in the areas. Emphasis was also placed on possibilities of landslides causing collapses, subsidence, and impacting the liquefaction soils and water tables.
“The Smile of the Child” in collaboration with the Natural Disaster Management Directorate (DIKAFKA) of the Greek National Disaster Management Authority actively participated in 2 disaster relief programs in the Samaria Gorge and the Aposelemi-Sfendyli Dam. Activities focused on the rescue operations of crushed/trapped people from debris and others in need of immediate assistance, while activating the search-rescue programs on land and in water.
“The Smile of The Child” is:
- an official partner of the Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid of the European Commission (DG ECHO)
- a specially certified provider of first-level, second-level and third-level social care services
- a registered body in the Register of Civil Protection Voluntary Organizations
- has signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection
- has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Hellenic Republic Ministry of National Defence
Concluding our two day trials of search and rescue practices, we presented on the third day the conclusions of the “THERMAL EVALUATION” of the “MINOAS 2024” programs venued at the Cultural Conference Center of Heraklion Crete. This was a collaborative effort amonst O.S.H.A. members, the Team Control of the exercises, auditors, evaluators, as well as the directors from each involved Institution/Service who participated in these exercises. This group presented their proposals outlining the procedures that require improvement and further efficiencies to better respond and manage natural disasters.
Many thanks to our supporters!
- MINOAN LINES S.A. donated the ferry tickets of “The Smile of the Child” members & vehicles
- GALINI SEA VIEW HOTEL for the hospitality and accommodation for “The Smile of the Child” members in Chania
- KING MINOS RETREAT Resort & Spa hotel for the hospitality and accommodation for “The Smile of the Child” members in Heraklion, Crete
- ALTUS LSA for the training services of “The Smile of the Child” SMIEA operators
- CROMAR company for the insurance services for “The Smile of the Child”
- ERCO PROMOTION donated printing services
- PAPAPOSTOLOU N. AE – Papapostolou Healthcare Technologies for the provision of medical technological equipment.
- Draeger Hellas for the provision of technical equipment.
Photos from Exercise “MINOAS” here: https://hamogelo-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/danaekastani_hamogelo_gr/Ektk892vjUBIoSPiEGF_1uYBN03ZJE60M3ncVvc6TnZPuA?e=NVPbWF
For more information:
The Smile of the Child
Tel. 11040