Report on the first half of 2024 by "The Smile of the Child"

Athens, 11 July 2024
Report on the first half of 2024 by "The Smile of the Child"
Statistical data of the 10 Specialized Action Centers of the Organization
Close to children, families and young people
- 63.096 children supported
- We responded to 83.580 calls to the 4 Helplines & Hotlines
- 1 disappearance daily
- 8 reports of abuse for 8 children daily
- We provided transportation for at least 11 newborns and children daily
- We supported 62 children with living problems daily
On Thursday, July 11th, 2024, at the Panhellenic Coordinating Operational Center for Direct Social and Medical Intervention "ANDREAS YANNOPOULOS", the well-established Report on the work of "The Smile of the Child" during the first half of 2024 by the ten (10) Action Centers it operates, was presented during a press conference, in the presence of journalists and sponsors.
The specialized scientific staff of the Organization, who, through its holistic actions and services, offered to children and their families during the first six months of 2024, spoke with measurable data about the problems that Greek society is facing today.
Mr. Costas Yannopoulos, President of the BoD of "The Smile of the Child", said: “It all started 28 years ago, by a child, Andreas, and today we are here... We are here with our 10 Specialized Action Centers, our international and national collaborations, complementing the institutions of the state, and providing holistic actions. Actions that are reflected with measurable data, with statistics, for which, a few days ago, we were awarded at the Hellenic Responsible Business Awards as the best Non-Profit Organization of the Year 2024.
In the first half of 2024 we supported 63.096 children and responded to 83.580 calls at the 4 Helplines & Hotlines, the National Helpline for Children SOS 1056, the European Hotline for Missing Children 116000, the European Helpline for Children and Adolescents 116111 and the National Hotline for Missing Adults 1017, and I mention all the lines, because all children and families need to know them.
462 calls daily, showing that the “Smile” has become a reference point, with only 12 seconds of waiting time”.
At the same time, Mr. Yannopoulos underlined once again the importance of prevention, citing a recent incident with a 10-year-old girl who called the National Helpline for Children SOS 1056 after an information session at her school. “The little girl called because she learned during a Prevention and Awareness Intervention for Children held at her school by a one of our psychologists that she could call 1056 to ask for help if she needed to, and she asked... A 10 year old child wanted to be given ideas to entertain her 4 year old sibling while it was just the two of them, because the parents were away due to an emergency. All efforts should be based on Prevention, in schools, in the community because children need to know”.
Detailed statistics can be found here:
Ms. Ioanna Chardaloupa, Psychologist and Coordinator of the Organization’s Center on Violence and Bullying, referred to the actions implemented stating “The ‘Smile’ invests heavily in prevention and is based on a holistic approach. Only in the first semester of 2024, children, parents, teachers and professionals as a whole had the opportunity to be informed on issues related to violence and the protection of children and families from violence, as well as the defense of their rights. This number amounts to 41.008" and said “In this effort, in the field of Bullying, we have NOYNOY Gouda as our companion, which we thank, as they cover the Interactive Interventions Program for the prevention, awareness and combating of domestic violence and bullying in schools throughout the country, within the framework of the program ‘You have the power within you’”. We carried out prevention interventions every single school day in schools throughout the country, addressed to 317 pupils.
Ms. Stavroula Spyropoulou, Psychologist and Coordinator of the Organization’s Center for Child Abuse and Exploitation, highlighted “In the first half of 2024, 507 children and 1.118 adults received counselling support from the scientific staff of the Organization. Their main topics were mental health issues, family relationships, violence and abuse and peer relationships. The Organization's people were there to support every child and adult on the simplest or the most complex issue, 24 hours a day and nationwide, with valuable assistance from the Technology Group for the Child, thanks to which the ‘Smile’ ensures the constant technological upgrading of its networks and services, in order to be able to support even more effectively every child in need and at risk in the country, as well as to carry out its work in the most optimal and technologically advanced, possible way”. Every day we managed abuse reports for 8 children.
Ms. Vera Tsichli, Coordinator of the Center for Health Services of the Organization, reported on the preventive examinations carried out in 42 locations in Greece in the first half of 2024 “With our Mobile Polyclinics, our volunteer doctors and dentists, we carried out free preventive examinations for 6.646 children, in order to identify and prevent serious problems that a child might be facing.
None of this would have been possible, however, without the valuable help of our sponsors, OPAP, whom we thank for covering the Preventive Medicine Program for children throughout the country, Lidl Hellas for covering the Recreational activities in hospitalized children in Athens, Thessaloniki and Patras, and Inventor for the operation of the two Social Polyclinics of the Organization”. Every day we provide transportation for at least 11 newborns and children.
Ms. Ioanna Lagoumintzi, Social Worker and Coordinator of the Care Homes Center, referred to the whole spectrum of child care and pointed out “We received requests for 63 children, while a total of 157 children were accommodated in our Care Homes, children who were removed from their families for serious reasons of abuse and/or neglect, and who are cared for in a safe environment -which didn’t exist- that caters and supports every need of the children holistically, at every level” and underlined “The main goal is to rehabilitate the children in the best possible way, in order to meet the individualized needs that the child has and based on his/her history. The first priority is to return the child to his or her family environment, once the reasons why the child had to be removed have ceased to exist, and once the child is safe!
“Adoption and fostering must be child-centered and always serve children. The goal is not for each of us to become parents, but for each of these children to find a suitable family. And as long as there are no suitable parents for the children, we will be there”. Since 1997, 408 children have been reunited with their biological family.
A big thank you to all the supporters, sponsors, volunteers, the people of the "Smile" who support the Organization and its holistic actions and services because without you... none of this would be possible. Everyone's help and assistance is invaluable in order for "The Smile of the Child" to continue, and in the future, to stand by every child, every person in need or in danger.
Photographic material of the Press Conference at the following link:
Watch the Organization’s Project Report for the first half of 2024 here: