Need for support in providing the weekly milk to a three-month-old baby

460 smiling babies × €25

185 supporters

Milk is the only nutritional need for a three-month-old baby. If breastfeeding is not possible, as it is not for the babies growing up in our Homes, then the only alternative is powdered baby milk.

With 25€ you ensure 5 to 6 daily meals of a baby for a week and ...his sweetest smile!


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6 kids need you

18.000€ for six children with serious health problems

€18,118 Pledged Until Now
GOAL €18,000

Children with health problems need us

With €20,000, we will be able to provide medical assistance to children across Greece.

€6,040 Pledged Until Now
GOAL €20,000

Φροντίδα για 15 παιδιά

Με 11.200€ εξασφαλίζουμε κοινωνικό λειτουργό για 6 μήνες

€3,521 Pledged Until Now
GOAL €11,200