When a child refuses to return to school ....

29 June 2011

Dealing with a child that refuses to go back to school can prove to be very unpleasant situation.

 Talk to your child and find out the reason keeping it away from school.

 Focus on the positive aspects of school. Explain to your child that the only way it will be able to complete its studies and pursue a career is by attending school. Graduating from high school is the only way to open doors for its future.

 Provide your child with facts. Look into a number of fields your child may be interested in and jointly find out the skills and prerequisites required to follow any of these professions. Check the skills needed to succeed in the profession of its choice and try to make your child understand that a good education is the only means for succeeding. Help your child identify and express its interests.

 Keep distant from negative references. Do not motivate your children by using negative examples such as "make you sure you do not make the mistakes I made". It is more effective if the parent focuses on positive examples which will result if a child focuses on its school work and studies.

 Talk to your school or guidance counselor or to your child`s teachers. It is very important to maintain a good relationship with the counselors and teachers of your child. Talk to them about your child`s concerns regarding school and ask them to help you.

 Find a mentor or someone your child looks up to. It might be a good idea to resort to this solution, especially if things get rough. Find someone your child likes and ask him/her to talk to your child and share his/hers school experiences. Such a person could be an older cousin or other relative, a friend of the family, or even a professional, such as a psychologist. A person in other words, your child likes and admires.

Whatever the individual case maybe, stand beside and not across from your children encouraging them to pursue their interests and expand their talents even if these talents are not directly connected with their school curriculum. Keep in mind that if a child does something it pleases it, it’s then easier to convince it to agree in doing something that is not as pleasant.